Tips on how to increase battery life of your Xiaomi phone, how to increase the battery life of your Xiaomi phone, Tips on how to increase battery life of your Xiaomi phone, , , , , , , , ,

10 Tips on How to Increase The Battery Life of Your Xiaomi Phone

Does your Xiaomi phone seem to drain its battery faster than you'd like? You're not alone. Many smartphone users struggle with maximizing battery life.

But fret not, this guide unveils practical tips and tricks how to increase the battery life of your Xiaomi phone, by optimizing your phone's settings and usage patterns, allowing you to squeeze more juice out of every charge.

We'll explore how to disable hidden power-hungry features, leverage built-in battery saver modes, and adjust display settings for improved efficiency.

You'll even learn how to manage background app activity and identify battery-draining culprits. By following these simple steps, you can significantly extend your Xiaomi phone's battery life and avoid the dreaded low-battery scramble.

how to increase the battery life of your Xiaomi phone

The best and ideal way to make your Xiaomi battery last longer would be to turn off notifications and apps that you don't need. Then head to turn off all types of connectivity like Bluetooth, Wi-Fi and mobile data, and GPS. Additionally, you can turn off the phone's vibration, reduce the brightness, reduce the screen time out and turn off auto-sync. You can also change dynamic wallpapers to something more static, running airplane mode and power saver mode.

Related: Make Your Xiaomi Phone faster

10 Tips on How to Increase The Battery Life of Your Xiaomi Phone

#1 -- Use Static Wallpaper

While you might think that wallpaper won't use your phone's resources much, using a Live wallpaper will. Most Live Wallpapers are graphical simulations and require a lot of CPU/GPU performance to work even when in the background. That will hurt battery life over time. 

So make sure to use a static wallpaper if you want the best battery life on your Xiaomi phone. Better yet, try using dark wallpaper on your Xiaomi smartphone. 

Dark wallpapers reduce power usage, as for LCDs the backlight doesn't have to glow brightly. On Xiaomi phones with AMOLED screens, black pixels will turn off saving even more battery life. 

To set a static wallpaper on your Xiaomi phone, follow these steps,

Step 1 Open the Settings app on your Xiaomi phone.

Step 2 Tap on Wallpaper.

Step 3 Now select a static image and then tap on Change.

Step 4 Confirm by tapping on Apply.

#2 -- Adjust Brightness Levels

Smartphone screens are responsible for a hefty percentage of battery use. Even using adaptive brightness is not as effective as manually decreasing brightness when not needed. To turn off adaptive brightness on your Xiaomi phone, do this,

Step 1 Open the Settings app on your Xiaomi phone.

Step 2 Tap on Brightness, and then Battery Level.

Step 3 Now, disable Automatic Brightness to turn off adaptive brightness.

After this, manually control your brightness levels by sliding the brightness slider in the notification panel. 

#3 -- Find out what's causing your phone to drain prematurely

Although there are methods of prolonging your phone's battery, it is better if you do a basic diagnostic and find out what's causing your battery's poor performance issues.

While there are a few third-party apps that can give you accurate battery usage data, it's better to simply head to the Battery in the Settings menu and check the health report.

It will show you if there's an app or a file that's draining a large amount of power. It's one of the best tips on how to increase battery life of your Xiaomi phone.

  • By clicking on the three dots on the top right of the screen, you can access detailed information about the apps and battery usage. You will also graphs that depict the battery life and power allocation data. If you find an app or file that's draining too much power, force stop it and restart your device.

Restarting your phone will help it start from scratch and quit all programs that are preventing your battery from functioning normally. If you have a file or data that has malware and automatically drains the battery even after restarting it, then back up all your important and personal data before running the factory reset option. This can help your phone re-start from a clean slate.

#4 -- Turn on battery saving mode on the phone

Turning on battery-saving mode on the phone is one of the most basic methods to improve battery life, This is usually the best option if it's the common apps are the ones draining the battery.

Once you determine this, you can depend on the Battery Saver option that will help save juice by restricting certain apps. It also helps efficiently allocate power. For example, by reducing the screen brightness.

Tips on how to increase battery life of your Xiaomi phone
  • To access it all you have to do is head to the Battery and Performance in settings and turn on the battery saver mode. This feature will help manage the battery in a much more efficient manner and cut juice to redundant or useless applications. However, the only issue as such is with the fact that this feature is only available on Xiaomi Phones with MIUI 8 and thereafter.

You can also access the scenes section and enable the Inactive Mode. This along with the Non-interactive mode help reduce the usage when the phone is idle.

#5 -- Force GPU Rendering

Other methods can help save power at the processor level. if you head to developer settings then you can access these fundamental methods.

Like most Android devices all you have to do to access the developer settings is head to my device in settings and click on the MIUI version 7 times in a consecutive manner.

Then head to the application settings and click on Additional settings, you'll find that Developer options would be activated.

  • After clicking on developer options, you'll find the Force GPU rendering option. Activating this option would ensure that the GPU would support the CPU in processing data. Doing this would take the stress off the CPU and reduce power consumption.

If the CPU is under tremendous amounts of stress then activating another option called Disable HW overlay would ensure that the rendering of data would be done entirely by the GPU. This can help save almost 30% power and even allocate the CPU to take up other tasks.

#6 -- Stopping apps from running in the background

One of the most effective methods to save battery life would be to prevent apps from running in the background.

While you can depend on battery power allocation and the Adaptive Battery feature to keep a track of battery usage, force-stopping an app that's causing a lot of power loss might be more expensive.

  • Force stopping and the app can either be done from the panel which can be accessed by swiping up from the home screen or you can head to running apps through the settings menu and stop it there. Closing apps will save you more money than opening apps.
  • Background apps don't just refer to those that you as the user open. It can also refer to those apps that run when you turn on your phone. These apps that launch with the system tend to suck the most amount of power.

To set control all you have to do is head to the permissions in App settings and click on AutoStart. This will show the list of apps open in the background. Certain apps do require this permission like security camera apps that show you the feed. So, set it accordingly.

#7 -- Setting the preferred network type

Did you know that the phone loses a lot of power trying to find Wifi and other signals? This is one of the most common hidden reasons why phones lose charge unknowingly.

However, unlike most phones Xiaomi allows its users to set a preferred network type that will save tons of time and energy.

  • All you have to do is head to the Application settings and click on total storage 4 times to access hidden settings. On this menu, you'll find a bunch of details about the phone.

Here you can set your preferred network type. However, you'll need to choose your network from the LTE/TD-SCDMA/UMTS list.

#8 -- Disable Animations

Animations on your phone can reduce the battery life as they require GPU power. With Xiaomi phones. MIUI has some extensive animations across the OS.

While this is pretty, they might consume a lot of battery life. If you prefer battery life over animations, then turn them off.

Follow these steps to disable animations on your Xiaomi phone,

Step 1 Open the Settings app on your phone.

Step 2 Now, select More Options

Step 3 Scroll down and select Developer Options

Step 4 Scroll down to the Window animation scale option.

Step 5 Set the Window animation scale, Transition animation scale, and Animator duration scale to 0x respectively.

That is it, animations are disabled ad you should see an increase in battery life. 

#9 -- Enable Ultra Battery Saver

If the regular battery safe mode wasn't helpful, then you can try the Ultra Battery Saver mode on your Xiaomi phone. This mode will allow six apps to run on your phone.

This is only recommended if you want to squeeze every last bit of battery life. Check out how,

Step 1 Open the Settings app on your phone. 

Step 2 Go to the Battery section. 

Step 3 Now select the Ultra Battery Saver option.

Step 4 Tap on OK to confirm. 

Check your apps

Sometimes, a bugged app could drain the battery of your Xiaomi phone. From my experience, a banking app used to destroy up to  60-70%  of my phone's battery life. Once I disabled this app, my battery life was much much better. 

So check if there are any apps that have unusually high battery usage. You can do this by, going to the Battery section in the Settings app. 

#10 -- Check for updates

Sometimes a software issue can cause poor battery performance. Keeping your Xiaomi phone’s software up to date is recommended for the best battery performance.

Follow these steps to update your Xiaomi phone, 

Step 1 Open the Settings app on your phone. 

Step 2 Tap on About Phone.

Step 3 Tap on the MIUI logo. 

Step 4 Check for updates. 

Why Is My Xiaomi Phone Battery Draining So Fast?

There are a couple of reasons why your Xiaomi phone's battery might be draining faster than usual. Let's dive into the most common culprits:

1. Background App Activity: Xiaomi phones, by default, allow apps to run in the background even when you're not actively using them. These background processes can silently drain your battery.

2. Resource-Hungry Apps: Some apps are just plain battery hogs. Social media apps, games, and navigation apps are notorious for sucking up power.

3. Location Services & Wi-Fi: Constantly having your location services turned on or keeping Wi-Fi on when you're not connected can drain your battery.

4. System Ads (MIUI System Ads): Xiaomi's MIUI operating system might be showing you ads in the background, which can contribute to battery drain.

5. Outdated Software: Sometimes, outdated software can cause battery drain issues.

If you've tried the steps listed above and your battery is still draining fast, it's possible there might be a hardware issue with your battery. In that case, you might want to consider getting a battery replacement from an authorized Xiaomi service center.

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