Best Xiaomi Robot Vacuum of 2024 | Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Review

Best Xiaomi Robot Vacuum of 2024 | Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Review

Keeping your home clean can feel like a constant battle, especially with busy schedules and demanding lifestyles.

Xiaomi robot vacuums offer a powerful and convenient solution, combining intelligent navigation, robust suction, and efficient cleaning features to tackle dirt, dust, and debris with ease.

This comprehensive guide unveils the 10 Best Xiaomi Robot Vacuums of 2024, meticulously reviewed and ranked based on performance, features, value, and user experience.

Whether you prioritize powerful suction for deep cleaning carpets, advanced mopping capabilities for sparkling hard floors, or smart app controls for effortless scheduling, we've got you covered.

Dive in and discover your perfect cleaning companion, empowering you to reclaim precious time and maintain a spotless home environment effortlessly!

The best Xiaomi Robot Vacuum is the Roborock s5. This exceptional device is not only a vacuum cleaner but also functions as a mop. With a combination of powerful suction power and a water tank to get rid of stubborn stains, you can expect this device to clean your house effectively. Additionally, it can last for 120 minutes on a single charge which is more than enough time to clean the house. Most importantly, it's running on autopilot.

Related: Latest Xiaomi Handheld Vacuum Cleaner

Best Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Best for Check it out on
Roborock s5 All-round performance Check it out on AliExpress
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Roborock s6 Quick Cleaning  Check it out on AliExpress
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Roborock 2 Thorough cleaning Check it out on AliExpress
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Xiaowa e35 / Roborock E35 Midrange buyers Check it out on AliExpress
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Xiaowa e20 / Roborock E20 Budget buyers Check it out on AliExpress
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Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop P Accurate and thorough cleaning Check it out on AliExpress
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Xiaomi Roborock s50 Highend buyers Check it out on AliExpress
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Xiaomi Mijia 1C Vacuum-Mop Reliability Check it out on AliExpress
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Best Xiaomi Robot Vacuum

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#1 -- Roborock s5

Best Xiaomi Robot Vacuum

The Roborock S5 is a multi-talented robot vacuum laden with a large battery, decent suction power, and adequate mopping capabilities making it an all-around good robot vacuum. The S5 has been engineered to deliver a seamless mopping and vacuuming experience. It is one of the Best Xiaomi Robot Vacuum.

  • This vacuum cleaner allows the user to set certain tasks and challenges via the App and with the help of its laser mapping and advanced navigation you'll have a clean room in no time.
  • The S5 houses a 140ml smart water tank and an internal dustbin that can hold up to 460ml of debris siphoned from the floor. A 5200mAh battery powering the device allows you to clean for up to 120 minutes before the S5 automatically returns to the charging dock for a quick recharge. 

A notable mention is that the S5 allows you to set different suction power and water volume to be used in different rooms.


The Xiaomi Roborock s5 has numerous features primarily added to make the user experience easier. The S5 needs to be the host of a variety of sensors for it to fall into the category of smart robot vacuums. These sensors help direct the vacuum around the house without having it bump into obstacles along the way.

  • The Wall sensors and Anti Collision sensors help prevent the device from being damaged or accidentally tipping something over while cleaning.
  • The LDS or the laser distance sensor helps map the room so the device knows where to start and where to stop, effectively cleaning the entire room without you having to move.
  • The S5 has a cliff sensor embedded within that gives the robot vacuum the understanding that there's a drop ahead or a flight of stairs in front of it, thus making it turn the other way.
  • The gyro and accelerometer in the S5 provide direction and stability to it while cleaning, this helps the device learn the terrain making it easier to get the job done.

Being a smart home appliance, the S5 has a variety of modes to choose from depending on the type of flooring or the speed at which you want the robot vacuum to work.

  • Carpet Mode allows the S5 to regulate its speed accordingly to get rid of even the tiniest strands of hair or dust that are tangled within the carpet.
  • Quiet Mode reduces the overall output of the device making it softer on the ears and is ideal if you want to take a nap simultaneously.
  • Mopping Mode works in tandem with the vacuum and you can program the S5 to vacuum the dust while mopping the floor at the same time.
  • Turbo Mode works when it's time to get the job done. Turning on turbo mode gets the robot vacuum all energized to complete the task at hand in little to no time.

Above all, the S5 works with the help of an App that can be downloaded from the Play Store or the App Store and allows you to set commands for the S5 to follow. You will have the ability to schedule the clean-up time, save the layout of the room in the form of a map that's relayed to the robot vacuum, choose areas of the room that you don't want to clean, or only those you wish to have cleaned. 

The App even acts as a remote control to make changes to the S5's conditioning while it is working

xiaomi mi robot vacuum pet hair


Suction Power  2000Pa
Battery Capacity 5200mah
Dust Box Capacity 460ml
Water Tank Capacity 140ml
Floor Types Carpet, Ceramic Tile, Marble Floor, Shag Carpet, Tile Floor, Wood Floor
Price $479.99


  • Lots of functions & setting options
  • Very good cleaning results overall
  • Mops up micro dust
  • Efficient cleaning


  • Corners & level changes result in uneven cleaning

#2 -- Roborock s6

Xiaomi Robot Vacuum

The Roborock S6 is an impressive robot vacuum with a wide array of features and functions to get the job done. Powered by a large 5200mAh battery, the S6 can clean a complete room in no more than 15 minutes while each charge lasts for about 2 hours of continuous cleaning.

The S6 has the same design as the S5 except that the S6 has a small turret on top that houses the omnidirectional laser, helping it navigate and map its environment.


The Roborock s6 has a few notable features, some of them are:

  • The Adaptive Routing Algorithm enables the s6 to learn the shape and layout of each room including the placement of obstacles in the room/home making it a faster and more accurate cleanup.
  • An Intense suction of 2000Pa is strong enough to lift all types of dust on the floor and from deep within carpet fibers.
  • The large Battery powering the s6 is a whopping 5200 mAh and can provide up to 3 hours of continuous vacuuming.
  • The Multiple sensors embedded within the S6 help make cleaning up the room easy;  with up to 14 powerful sensors, the s6 can navigate the home thoroughly.
  • These sensors include a precision accuracy laser range finder to measure the distance between obstacles in the room, an infra-red cliff sensor that constantly scans for drops such as stairs, a carpet sensor that triggers a power boost on carpets, and many others.
best xiaomi robot vacuum 2020


Suction Power 2000Pa
Battery Capacity 5200mAh
Dust Box Capacity 480 ml
Climb Capability 2cm
Cleaning Area 250 square meters
Effective Floor types Carpet, Ceramic Tile, Marble Floor, Shag Carpet, Tile Floor, Wood Floor
Price $439.99


  • Excellent at mopping
  • Lots of settings & functions
  • Good cleaning results
  • Choose between bag or charging station


  • Auto empty fails often
  • Small container

#3 -- Roborock 2

roborock 2

The Roborock 2 is a second-generation 2 in one smart robot vacuum cleaner. It was designed to have the ability to plan its route by the layout of the room and is even capable of mopping right after vacuuming the room.

  • The Roborock 2 has a high-powered suction force of 2000Pa that is adequate to remove dirt and dust from the floor. Coupled with a 5200mAh battery, it has one goal; to get the job done.

The Roborock 2 has a turret at the top which houses the laser distance sensor to direct it around the house. The Roborock 2 is designed to be small and compact and can reach places a traditional mop can't.


This device has been considered a smart robot vacuum thanks to the number of sensors Xiaomi has used in it, the battery backup, connectivity, and the ability to vacuum and mop at the same time.

  • With Smart Scan this beast carefully plans out its path to follow, memorizes the layout of the home and individual rooms, and cleans all corners.
  • Using the WiFi connectivity the Roborock 2 can be paired with your mobile phone via the App for a more convenient feel and allows you to automatically set up your cleaning and charging tasks.
  • A Powerful 2000 Pa suction guarantees a 99% cleaner room,  with a brushless motor and a V-shaped floating roller brush all churning out noise less than 55db making this model ideal for a quick and quiet cleanup.
  • The Roborock 2 houses a large 5200 mAh Battery that can power the device to clean up to 250 square meters on a single charge.
xiaomi robot vacuum cleaner


Suction Power 2000 Pa
Battery 5200mAh
Working Time 2.5 Hours
Wireless Connectivity WiFi
Cleaning Mode Suction, Sweep, Mop
Weight 3.5 Kg
Price $471.70


  • Lots of functions
  • Easy to operate
  • Handles many problems by itself
  • Cleans very well


  • Misses some corners

#4 -- Xiaowa e35 / Roborock E35

Best Xiaomi Robot Vacuum

The Xiaowa e35 from Roborock is an efficient and intelligent robot vacuum. With a large battery capacity of 5200mAh, the e35 offers 2.5 hours of non-stop cleaning. The e35 comes pre-loaded with multiple modes for a range of surfaces and times of the day. 

  • Getting hurt by the e35 is going to be the least of your worries as it’s programmed to automatically detect objects in front of it and reduce its speed.

The e35 is a vacuum cum mop that works simultaneously and can be controlled via an App that is available on the Play Store and App Store.


You may wonder, what makes the Xiaowa e35 an ideal choice. The reason it is on the list of best Xiaomi Robot Vacuums is that it’s loaded with features for every situation. 

  • The e35 has a Tangle-free design that is meant to prevent the device's wheels and brushes from getting caught up with each other. This helps in reducing the amount of maintenance you’d have to carry out or the time it takes to do so. 
  • The feature that stands out is Gentle Bumping. The e35 will automatically slow down before bumping into any obstacles thanks to the pre-programmed sensors embedded in the device.
  • The E11 filter used in the e35  is a Washable Filter and can eliminate 99.2% dust so it can be used for longer periods without the need for a replacement.
  • With Auto-Recharge On, if the battery on the e35 is running low, it will stop in its tracks and return to the charging hub to recharge, then carry on from where it left off.

The e35 is loaded with Multiple sensors which help in cleaning complicated areas, avoiding stairs, and even recharging itself.

Based on the time of the day or speed at which you need the room cleaned or even the simplest floor type, the e35 comes pre-loaded with Multiple cleaning modes for quicker and more efficient cleaning. The Quiet, Turbo, Balanced, Max, Carpet, and Mopping modes let you make the best of the situation at the touch of a button.


Battery 5200mAh
Suction Power 2000Pa
Weight 3.2 Kg
Climbing Ability 2 Cm
Map Building Feature Pixel Mapping
Price $339.99


  • Good cleaning results
  • Mop to clean away micro dust
  • Floor protection for the charging station


  • Doesn’t moisten the entire mop
  • Can’t set zones

#5 -- Xiaowa e20 / Roborock E20

xiaomi roborock

The Roborock E20 is an affordable version of the Roborock s5. The main difference between the two is that the E20 uses an inertial navigation system with the help of gyroscopes and optical motion tracking sensors as compared to the laser navigation system in the s5. 

The E20 weighs in at around 3kg and measures 13.9 inches in diameter and 3.6 inches in height. The E20 is powered by a 2600mAh battery which provides an ample amount of energy for a thorough cleanup.


Being one of the most powerful budget robot vacuums, the E20 has some notable features which have made it one of the best in the market.

  • With the help of the gyroscope and navigation algorithms, the E20  performs a  methodical manner of cleaning and achieves the desired result in no time.
  • The E20 boasts Easy Mopping, all you have to do is snap on the mop underneath the vacuum and let it do the rest.
  • With a suction power of 1800Pa, the E20 guarantees Thorough cleaning and can pull off even the hairs and dust lodged in the carpets. The large dust box that can hold up to 640ml does not have to be cleaned quite often.
  • The E20 can be controlled via the App and by Voice Control. The App allows you to start/stop cleanups, schedule cleanups, set speed and suction strength.
xiaomi vacuum cleaner


Suction Power 2000Pa
Battery Capacity 2600mAh
Charging Time 120 mins
Cleaning Mode Sweep & Mop
Navigation System Gyrospere, inertial navigation system
Dustbin Capacity 640ml
Price $199.98


  • Partly solves cable & sock problem
  • Mops up micro dust
  • Separate no-mop zones
  • Lots of functions


  • Poor cleaning in corners & at level differences
  • AI needs improvement

#6 -- Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop P

Named one of the world's most affordable robot vacuums, the vacuum-mop P is equipped with loads of great features to help vacuum and mop the floor. The Vacuum-Mop P is a next-gen robot vacuum from Xiaomi

  • It uses an LDS (laser navigation system) to guide itself around the house and map rooms accurately. The Vacuum-Mop P has a 2 in one vacuum and mopping function that gets double the work done in half the time, literally.

Weighing in at 3.6kg, the vacuum-mop P is compact and lightweight, thus making it easier to store when not in use.


The vacuum-mop P is a piece of work and has a range of sensors that help it accomplish its task at hand. Powered by 12 sets of highly accurate sensors, the vacuum-mop P can accurately visualize its surroundings, make accurate navigation, and even climb over obstacles up to 2cm high. 

The battery on the vacuum-mop P is a 3200mAh Li-polymer battery that makes life easier by getting more work done and spending less time charging it.

  • A New Navigation system in the E20 enables the Vacuum-Mop P to read and learn how the room looks for effective cleaning.
  • With a 200ml Smart Water tank that is electronically controlled, the vacuum-mop P prevents water from leaking onto the floor while cleaning.
  • With the High suction of 2500Pa with the help of the new Japanese NIDEC engine, the vacuum-mop P has a suction capacity that’s stronger than most other premium robot vacuum cleaners.
  • The vacuum-mop P is an easy-to-use robot vacuum that can be controlled via the Mobile App. With the App, you can schedule your cleaning, monitor the cleaning progress, and utilize a variety of modes for the different types of surfaces.
roborock s50 vs dyson


Path planning vSLAM
Battery 2600mAh
Cleaning Mode Sweep & Mop
Suction Power 2500Pa
Climbing Ability 20mm
Price $297.95


  • Cleans very well
  • Lots of welcome functions
  • Four power modes
  • Can be voice controlled
  • Very good accessibility


  • Must be emptied often
  • Had problems navigating back to charging station

#7 -- Xiaomi Roborock s50

Best Xiaomi Robot Vacuum

The Xiaomi Roborock s50 is a 2 in 1 vacuum cleaner that can vacuum and mop the floor. The has tons of high-end features that make it a great choice for almost every household. It is easily one of the best Xiaomi Robot Vacuum.

  • The vacuum comes with LDS (laser navigation system) to guide itself around the house and it can map rooms accurately. The LDS can scan its surroundings 1800 times per second across all directions.

This s50 robot vacuum weighs 6.25 kgs which is pretty heavy but this allows it to house a large battery, storage box, and tank. 


The Roborock s50 sweeps first then mops the floor. It features 2000 Pa suction power that can easily gather any solid or liquid on the floor. The 360 degree LDS sensor, 2cm obstacle climbing ability, and powerful motor all make it an excellent vacuum for cleaning.

With a large 5200 mAh battery, the Roborock s50 can clean for up to 2.5 hours continuously. The Li-ion battery makes it easy and quick to charge while offering a long battery life.

  • The LDS and along with SLAM (Simultaneous Localization and Mapping algorithm make sure that no place in your house is left unclean.
  • The vacuum plans a route and cleans in a Z-shaped pattern.
  • The Roborock s50 can store up to 480mL of dust and up to 140mL of liquid.
  • You can also remote control the robot vacuum using the app. 
  • The robot also goes to the charging dock automatically when it is low on charge. 


Path planning SLAM
Battery 5200mAh
Cleaning Mode Sweep & Mop
Suction Power 2000Pa
Climbing Ability 20mm
Price $734.06


  • One of the most powerful robot vacuum cleaners out in the market
  • Laser distance sensor improves the cleaning accuracy
  • Zone mapping allows for customized cleaning


  • Small dust box requires frequent emptying 

#8 -- Xiaomi Mijia 1C Vacuum-Mop

Best Xiaomi Robot Vacuum

The Xiaomi Mijia 1C Vacuum-Mop as the name suggests can do both vacuuming and mopping. It is fairly lightweight at 3.6 kg and features a large battery and a powerful motor making it a good combination of performance and weight. It is one of the best Xiaomi vacuum cleaners you can get.

  • The Mijia 1C uses a visual navigation system using a 166-degree wide-angle camera lens. The robot vacuum visualizes 30000 acquisition points per second.

The Xiaomi Mijia 1C features 15 sensors including gyroscope and precision sensors that let it scan, map, and clean your house effectively. 


The Mijia 1C though lightweight, features a large 600ml dust box and a 200ml water tank with an electronic control pump. You will have to clean the dust box only once every 3-4 days for a 100 sq. meter home.

  • The 2600mAh battery offers up to 1.5 hours of cleaning time. The robot will automatically return to its charging dock when it is low on charge or when it is done with the cleaning.
  • You can also remotely control the Mijia 1C with its smartphone app. 
  • Overall, the Mijia 1C ticks all the boxes that make it a great budget robot vacuum, do check it out if you are shopping for something affordable yet reliable. 


Path planning Advanced Visual Navigation System
Battery 2600mAh
Cleaning Mode Sweep & Mop
Suction Power 2500Pa
Climbing Ability 20mm
Price $321.26


  • High reliability
  • Strong motor
  • Good cleaning performance


  • Struggles with manually control.
  • Noisy

Xiaomi MiJia G1

The newest low-cost robot vacuum is the Xiaomi MiJia G1. It has mopping attachments and is controlled by a gyroscope.

The robot is stronger than the Mi Robot, Mi Robot 1S, or Mi Robot Vacuum Mop, although it is not as strong as the Mi Robot 1C. The 200 ml electronic water tank allows water output to be adjusted in accordance with mopping operations.

The Xiaomi MiJia G1 automatically boosts carpet suction compared to other versions. For those with long hair, it also includes a cleaning brush with replaceable side tips.

Xiaomi Pro V2 Mijia

The Xiaomi Pro V2 Mijia is the finest option if you're seeking a robot vacuum that bears the Xiaomi name. Being about $250, it is not a very costly robot vacuum cleaner.

Despite being less expensive, it still has some incredible features. It's one of the uncommon gadgets where you get a mop and a robot vacuum cleaner for this cheap.

There are three different sweeping modes. It has a really impressive 2100 pa power suction. It makes use of LDS laser navigation, which thoroughly scans each room and creates a map of your entire house.

When compared to other models, it has a large capacity. 500ml dust box and 500ml water tank are also included.

The product comes with rags for the mop and a combined dust and water box. The sample rate for the LDS range is 2016 times per second, with an 8 metre range.

An R16-J chipset, which is incredibly powerful, powers the device. The app functions as a remote control with a Live Map that tracks the robot vacuum's movements.

You can set up a scheduler and select the area you wish to clean. Multiple cleaning options are available for increased effectiveness.

Rugs and carpets are among the objects with a height of 2 cm that it can move through without difficulty. On a single charge, which covers roughly 180 m2, you can use the device continuously for 110 minutes.

How to choose the best Xiaomi Robot Vacuum cleaner?

When investing in a Robot Vacuum cleaner, some important factors need to be considered. For example:

Suction Power

  • When it comes to any vacuum, the most important aspect is the suction power. This is something you need to consider before investing in a $200 device. If it doesn't do the job the first time then you might as well take a broom and do it yourself. So, when investing in a Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Cleaner make sure to look for something that offers at least a minimum suction power of 2000Pa. Check out our list of the Best Xiaomi Robot Vacuum for all the details.


  • When investing in a device that's meant to make your life easier, you should consider all your options. By this I mean the device with the most amount of features would make the most amount of sense. For example, while it is great that a robot vacuum can automatically move around and clean dirt by itself, you can pretty much do the same job in 10 minutes. However, if it also offers to mop up after you, then it's worth it.

Battery life

  • The battery life is another important factor. The whole point of a robot vacuum is to make your life easier. So, you don't want to be charging the device multiple times. Fortunately, the latest robot vacuum cleaner not only lasts for 120 minutes but also automatically charges itself. So, you don't have to worry too much about it. Check out our list of the Best Xiaomi Robot Vacuum for all the details.
Best Xiaomi Robot Vacuum Roborock s5 Roborock s6 Roborock 2  Xiaowa e35 / Roborock E35 Xiaowa e20 / Roborock E20 Mi Robot Vacuum-Mop P Xiaomi Roborock s50 Xiaomi Mijia 1C Vacuum-Mop
Suction Power 2000Pa 2000Pa 2000Pa 2000Pa 2000Pa 2500Pa 2000Pa 2500Pa
Cleaning Mode Sweep & Mop Sweep & Mop Sweep & Mop Sweep & Mop Sweep & Mop Sweep & Mop Sweep & Mop Sweep & Mop
Path planning Pixel Mapping Gyrospere, inertial navigation system vSLAM SLAM Advanced Visual Navigation System
Battery 5200mah 5200mAh 5200mAh, up to 2.5 Hours 5200mAh 2600mAh, up to 120 mins 2600mAh 5200mAh 2600mAh
Dust Bin Size 460ml 480 ml 640ml
Climbing Ability 20mm 20mm 20mm 20mm 20mm 20mm 20mm 20mm
Floor Types Carpet, Ceramic Tile, Marble Floor, Shag Carpet, Tile Floor, Wood Floor Carpet, Ceramic Tile, Marble Floor, Shag Carpet, Tile Floor, Wood Floor Carpet, Ceramic Tile, Marble Floor, Shag Carpet, Tile Floor, Wood Floor Carpet, Ceramic Tile, Marble Floor, Shag Carpet, Tile Floor, Wood Floor Carpet, Ceramic Tile, Marble Floor, Shag Carpet, Tile Floor, Wood Floor Carpet, Ceramic Tile, Marble Floor, Shag Carpet, Tile Floor, Wood Floor Carpet, Ceramic Tile, Marble Floor, Shag Carpet, Tile Floor, Wood Floor Carpet, Ceramic Tile, Marble Floor, Shag Carpet, Tile Floor, Wood Floor
Price $479.99 $439.99 $471.70 $339.99 $199.98 $297.95 $734.06 $321.26

Is Xiaomi robot vacuum good?

Xiaomi has been in the vacuum cleaning industry for a while now and has designed some splendid products that meet your everyday needs. There are amazing products to choose from and The robot vacuums of our time have been receiving slow but steady upgrades to the way they function. It is an ideal part of our day-to-day life and we hope that this article helps you pick the most appropriate robot vacuum from Xiaomi. Check out our list of the Best Xiaomi Robot Vacuum for all the details.

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