Xiaomi Walking Pad Review | Should You Get the Walking Pad C1 or the R2?

Xiaomi Walking Pad Review | Should You Get the Walking Pad C1 or the R2?

In today's busy world, fitting in exercise can be a challenge. Sitting for extended periods is becoming increasingly common, leading to health concerns.

Xiaomi Walking Pads offer a compact and convenient solution: under-desk treadmills that allow you to walk while you work or watch TV.

But with two popular models, the C1 and R2, choosing the right one can be tricky. This review dives into the features, functionalities, and target users of both Walking Pads, helping you decide which Xiaomi Walking Pad best fits your needs and walking goals in 2024.

Related: Xiaomi Walking Pad A1 Pro vs R1 Pro

latest walking pad review

Xiaomi Walking Pad Review (WalkingPad R2)

Xiaomi Walking Pad Review (WalkingPad R2)

Xiaomi Walking Pad R2 Specifications

Specification Details
Weight 25 kg
Dimensions (Folded) 55 cm x 43 cm x 14 cm
Material High-quality Aluminum
Walking Surface Texture Textured for added safety
Maximum Weight Capacity 100 kg
Speed Range 0.5 to 10 km/h
Display LED display showing speed, distance, and time
Remote Control Included for easy operation
Safety Lock Yes, for accidental start prevention

Design and Portability

The WalkingPad R2 emerges as the superior choice in 2024 due to its refined design and enhanced portability. Weighing in at a mere 25 kg, it is lighter than its counterpart, the C1, making it effortlessly maneuverable within any living space.

When folded, the R2's compact dimensions of 55 cm x 43 cm x 14 cm stand out, allowing for easy storage under beds or within closets. This streamlined build caters to the modern lifestyle, where space efficiency is paramount.

is the WalkingPad R2 portable?

Crafted from high-quality aluminum, the R2 not only exudes a sleek and premium aesthetic but also ensures durability. Its textured walking surface adds an extra layer of safety, prioritizing user well-being during exercise. This attention to detail reflects Xiaomi's commitment to providing a reliable and secure fitness solution.

Furthermore, the R2's design aligns seamlessly with contemporary living spaces, blending in effortlessly with various interior styles. Its unobtrusive profile complements a clutter-free environment, a vital consideration for those seeking a harmonious home setup.

In an era where adaptability and practicality are key, the WalkingPad R2's design stands as a testament to Xiaomi's innovation. Its lightweight, space-saving construction coupled with high-quality materials make it the optimal choice for individuals seeking a versatile and stylish fitness companion in 2024.


The R2 boasts a range of impressive features that set it apart as an exceptional choice for fitness enthusiasts. Its LED display provides real-time feedback on speed, distance covered, and workout duration, ensuring users stay on course towards their fitness objectives. This intuitive interface simplifies monitoring progress, enhancing the overall exercise experience.

The included remote control further elevates user convenience, allowing for seamless adjustments while in motion. This feature facilitates effortless customization of speed and intensity, adapting to individual preferences and fitness goals. The safety lock adds an extra layer of security, preventing any unintended starts and ensuring peace of mind during workouts.

Does the WalkingPad R2 come with a remote?

What truly distinguishes the R2 is its remarkable speed range, spanning from a gentle 0.5 km/h for a leisurely stroll to an impressive 10 km/h for more vigorous exercise. This versatility accommodates a wide spectrum of fitness levels and training intensities, making it suitable for users with varying workout preferences.

With a robust weight capacity of up to 100 kg, the R2 provides stability and support for individuals of diverse sizes, enhancing its accessibility and usability. This, combined with its advanced features, positions the WalkingPad R2 as a top choice for those seeking a comprehensive and adaptable fitness solution.


  • Quiet and Stable Operation: The R2 excels in delivering a quiet and smooth operation, ensuring minimal disturbance during workouts.
  • Exceptional Cushioning: Its walking surface offers excellent cushioning, crucial for sustained comfort and joint health, even at higher speeds.
  • Safety and Stability: The R2 maintains an impressive level of stability, ensuring user safety during intense workouts.
How good is the Xiaomi WalkingPad R2?

In direct comparison, the WalkingPad R2 appears to offer a slightly more robust performance, particularly in terms of stability and cushioning. Its ability to maintain stability even at higher speeds can be a crucial factor for users seeking more intensive workouts. Additionally, the exceptional cushioning provides a comfortable experience, crucial for long-term use.

While the WalkingPad C1 is still highly regarded for its smooth operation and multitasking capabilities, the R2's emphasis on stability and cushioning gives it a slight edge in terms of overall performance.

Pros & Cons of the Xiaomi WalkingPad R2


  • Compact and Foldable: Its space-saving design is a standout feature, perfect for those with limited living space.
  • Lightweight and Portable: Weighing just 25 kg, it's effortless to move around, making it a versatile addition to your home gym.
  • LED Display and Remote Control: These features enhance the overall user experience, providing easy access to vital workout statistics.
  • Safety Lock: This is a thoughtful inclusion, adding an extra layer of protection during operation.
  • Impressive Speed Range and Weight Capacity: Catering to a broad spectrum of users, it's a versatile treadmill suitable for various fitness levels.
  • Well-Built and Reliable: The build quality ensures durability and longevity, making it a worthwhile investment.


  • Noise at Higher Speeds: Some users have reported that the treadmill can generate some noise when operated at higher speeds.
  • Narrower Surface: Taller users may find the width slightly restrictive, which can affect the overall comfort during workouts.

Xiaomi Walking Pad Review (WalkingPad C1)

Xiaomi Walking Pad Specifications

Xiaomi Walking Pad Features Xiaomi Walking Pad Specifications
Weight of the walking pad 28kgs
Folded Dimensions 82 CM X 55 CM X 13 CM. 
Unfolded Dimensions 143CM X 55 CM X 13 CM
Remote Control  Yes
Weight Limit 90 kgs
Maximum Speed 6kms/hr or 3.7miles/hr


Xiaomi Walking Pad Latest Price and Review

You can’t talk about this product without talking about the design. This is one of the most unique products I have ever seen.

Xiaomi has taken a very bulky product like a Treadmill and has made it portable and easy to move around while giving the same experience.

The grey body with a black walking belt. It is designed to be as ergonomic as possible. You can use it while watching TV or while listening to your favorite tunes.

  • First of all, the product is a foldable treadmill. The Xiaomi Walking Pad is made of an aluminum alloy frame. It weighs about 28kgs, so it’s pretty heavy and it requires at least two people to carry it. But it can be carried with ease and can be moved around with the help of the wheels that are attached. So, don't forget to use the wheels when you're moving it around.
  • So it's both durable and relatively lightweight. The folded dimensions of this product are 82 CM X 55 CM X 13 CM. The unfolded dimensions are 143CM X 55 CM X 13 CM. As you can see, the length is where the difference lies as the width and the height are the same for the folded and unfolded versions.
  • You can easily store this Xiaomi treadmill underneath the bed, couch, TV stand, or chair, and it can easily fit inside a closet. It's one of Xiaomi's Latest Gadgets.
  • The Xiaomi Walking Pad has a multi-layer design with a smooth layer, friction layer, EVA cushioning layer, and a walking belt. It is designed to prevent accidents during exercises and make sure your fitness sessions are as safe as possible.
  • Now I was worried about the durability of this treadmill because even big full-fledged treadmills at the gym shake and vibrate when you move too much. This is why Xiaomi has made it clear that this is a walking treadmill! You can, of course, run very slowly at around 6 km/h. But, walking is the best way to utilize this walking pad.
  • The top of the treadmill has an LED information display and buttons for powering on. This LED Information panel displays real-time data on your speed, calories, other factors, and various other features.
  • According to the manufacturers, The maximum load capacity of the treadmill is 90kgs, which is heavier than the average human who weighs around 70 odd kgs. Although it can actually accommodate up to 200 pounds, you will be sacrificing the longevity of the device.

The one glaring element that's missing on this treadmill. And that is the lack of handrails. Now, this is a very important component of a treadmill. But you wouldn’t need a handrail for this walking pad because it has a maximum speed of 6kms. So that isn’t much. But this is still not recommended for older people who would need hand support.

Function and Use

xiaomi walkingpad

Now, You might be thinking "why would I need a walking pad when I can go for a walk outside or go running at the gym where there are other equipments". Well other than this time we're living in. I realized this walking pad is not meant to be used for only walking. In fact, it's meant to be used when you are doing something. For example, walking while you work, study, or even watch TV. These are perfect moments to get a bit of exercise.

  • If you are a gym freak and you like to do your workouts, but cannot go to the gym or go out because it's raining or for some other reason like a global pandemic, the Xiaomi walking pad can help you. Also, you keep it under your bed without any hassles.
  • This beauty has a high-power and reliable motor that gives the machine the required speed and momentum. The motor can provide a minimum speed of 0.5 km/h as well as the maximum speed of 6.0 km/h. It also doesn't consume much energy as it only requires a 220V voltage to push out a power of 746W.

So How Do You Use The Xiaomi Walking Pad?

This Xiaomi Walking Pad Latest Price and Review wouldn't be complete without mentioning the way to use the Xiaomi Walking pad. Although there are control buttons on the front of the treadmill, it can be quite irritating to actually go down and control the walking pad.

  • This is why Xiaomi ships a remote control along with the walking pad that lets you increase the speed, reduce the speed, and also power the device on or off. You can hold onto it while you walk on the device and change speeds when required.
  • You can also set the speed of the treadmill directly from your smartphone. If you set up a mode, the walking pad will just modify the speeds according to the settings you create.
  • You can select any three running modes such as Standby Mode, Constant Speed Mode, and Automatic Mode.
xiaomi walkingpad
  • Knowing Xiaomi, it’s a guarantee that they provide data around the walking you’ve done. You can access this information on the Mi Home App which tells you the calories burned, the average speed, and so on.

Keeping this treadmill powered is pretty easy, you can plug the long extension cord on one of those electrical outlets and you’ll be good to go.

What Exercise Can You Perform On The Xiaomi Walking Pad?

As you can imagine, there is only so much you can do with a Xiaomi Walking Pad. In fact, you can pretty much only walk at different speeds. For example, walking can range from slow paces to keep a steady heart rate to power walking to get that heart rate high up. Unfortunately, you won't be able to run on this device as it is not capable of taking that kind of stress. While the frame is tough, it wouldn't be able to take the impact of running. Even the belt can take more than 15mph.

Check out also how much is a mile on treadmill.

The Xiaomi Walking Pad isn't meant to be a stand-alone piece of fitness equipment as it cannot offer you major changes to your body. However, with this device, you can keep your body consistently healthy. You can walk at a mild pace to burn the calories off after a heavy dinner.

The most convenient aspect of this fitness equipment is that it allows you to keep moving while you do other things. For example, you can work and walk, or watch TV and walk at the same time.

How effective is the Xiaomi Walking Pad?

Because you can only do so much with the Xiaomi Walking Pad, the effectiveness varies quite a bit. For example, it is highly dependent on the kind of lifestyle you lead. If you are extremely fit and work out every day, then this walking pad is not going to be of any use to you. However, if you are moderately fit, you can improve your lung capacity, and stamina and even burn some calories by walking on this regularly.

This Xiaomi walking pad is extremely effective for those who led sedentary lives. If you are stuck at home and you working from behind your desk or on your bed for 8 hours. Then this seriously is a super useful tool. Since it's a walking pad, you don't have to panic.

You're not going to be running. You can take it slow and walk on this device for a few hours every day. It will not only get the stagnant blood flowing but it will also improve your metabolism, and overall fitness levels. If you pair it with some resistance training, you can look forward to becoming healthier in 6 months.


I've been addicted to the Xiaomi walking pads, to be honest, and have been using them both at home and at the office. The one I use at home is the Xiaomi WalkingPad C1. Quite an old model. However, it offers the best value for money. It's been a part of my morning routine for over a year and i can tell you it's great when it comes to performance.

  • This lightweight machine is not just compact but also quite sturdy. However, the most useful function is the way it's built and the materials that have gone into creating it. For example, the track is smooth and is easy on your legs and knees. It's not like a traditional treadmill that is strenuous to operate.
  • Even more useful is the cushioning layer on the surface which makes walking extremely easy. This functionality which allows you to walk until you exhaust your physical protentional is the why this Walking pad is so great when it comes to performance. This also makes it easy for older people and young children. Especially during these times when we're indoors for long durations.
  • Due to the ergonomic and comfortable nature of this Xiaomi Walking Pad, I could do other tasks like work and even watch TV while walking on it. However, if you want to work, you might need to get an elevated table.
  • The craziest thing is since this walking pad performs so well, it lowers your stress level and even improves sleep. This walking pad when used in tandem with the companion fitness app is extremely effective. Since it's so easy to use and is located in your home, you can get the steps in and burn those calories without the need to do any intimidating workouts.
  • As for the technical performance, it can be considered good as it can achieve a maximum speed of 6 km/h and consumes only around 0.3 kW. This basically means that the power consumption is very little with just 1 kW for every 3 hours. So, it's pretty amazing when it comes to saving electricity. The maximum speed is quite dismal but then again it's a "walking" pad.

The WalkingPad App

The WalkingPad App offers features that you can find in a traditional treadmill like calorie counting, recording, and tracking your activity. The WalkingPad app is simple and has everything you really need.

The app also helps you get started and calibrate yourself with all the features of the WalkingPad by asking you to walk on it for a period of time at different speeds to get the hang of it and also to improve the tracking accuracy. 

The WalkingPad App connects via Bluetooth and we had no issues with connectivity. The connectivity worked as intended every single day. 


Like all Xiaomi products, the Xiaomi Walking Pad comes with a warranty. This warranty period will allow you to replace the product if there are any defects. Unlike other walking pads or treadmills, this device doesn't come with a whole bunch of nuts and bolts that can be commonly found in a treadmill frame. Since it comes with proprietary parts, you will have to get it repaired only through Xiaomi's service center.

So, unfortunately, your neighbor who tinkers with stuff on the weekends is not capable when it comes to repairing this device. Although it has a relatively long lifespan, this product depreciates over time. Especially with regular use. Fortunately, Xiaomi offers a one-year warranty on this device. You can avail of this free service if there are any wear and tear issues within the first year.

Xiaomi also offers an extended warranty. This paid service will allow you to retain the warranty for an extra year. Furthermore, Xiaomi is rather strict when it comes to its quality control. They offer a 15-day return period from the date of purchase. Of course, you can only return it if there is a genuine issue like a defect.

Key Features

Multiple Sports Modes

The Xiaomi Walking Pad offers multiple sports modes to its users. This is a great feature as these modes can suit any member of the family. After all, an investment like the Walking Pad is best used when the whole family uses it.

  • With these modes, you can adjust the speed to suit the user's requirements.

The three sports modes are as follows:

  • The slow Walking mode has a speed of 2 km/h.
  • The Take A Walk Mode which has a speed of 4 km/h
  • The Quick Walking mode with a speed of 6 km/h.

You can easily switch between the modes and adjust the speed as per your health needs. Using The Xiaomi Walking Pad consistently will result in fitness improvements over time. Make sure you place the Xiaomi Walking Pad on a flat surface to prevent the band from shifting to the right.

Display and App Control

Since the Xiaomi Walking Pad is a Smart Device, It does have some fantastic features for the users.

  • For example, there is an LED display that will present real-time data on your fitness, speed, and much more.
  • There is also an option to connect the device to your smartphone and control it through the Mi companion app. You will also be able to access detailed fitness data in order to set better health goals.

Why Buy Xiaomi Walkingpad

Under $700, in my opinion, this is an absolute steal. Why? You cannot think of this as just a device, but a tool to better your health.

  • Most people spend a lot of time sitting down while working or watching TV. When you are walking while performing these activities, you can guarantee that you will lose weight and improve your overall health.
  • You don’t have to go to the gym or lift heavy weights. You can see a marked difference in your weight and your overall health just by using this device.
  • What makes this device even better is the portability feature. I mean if you are a health freak, you can literally take this device wherever you go and use it perfectly well.
  • But most importantly, you can access your fitness data through the companion app and set realistic health goals.


  • Portable and easy to carry. The wheels help to move it around and place it under the table.
  • The three sports modes
  • The price is very reasonable considering this costs 1/5th of a full-fledged treadmill but plays a similar role.
  • There are speed variations and can be set in the app
  • App control and data history


  • No handrail. Xiaomi could have thought of providing a fixable handrail
  • The maximum speed is 6kms/hour. So effectively once your body gets used to the speed, it will not do much in terms of weight loss. But will keep your heart healthy!
  • It may not be good for old people who will want more balance.

Xiaomi Walking Pad FAQs

How much is the walking pad 2022?

The Xiaomi walking pad costs around $700. Taxes are excluded. You will find treadmills cheaper than this, but they are simple treadmills with limited features and it takes up too much space.
One of the biggest benefits of the walking pad is its storability and portability, which is not possible with normal treadmills. Also, you get multiple sports modes which other treadmills lack.
Another important benefit is the fact that the Xiaomi Walking Pad is a smart device. So, you can access detailed fitness data and you can control the device through your smartphone.

Can you run on a WalkingPad?

No, you cannot run on the Xiaomi walking pad. It doesn’t have rails on the sides and it’s not advisable to run on the walking pad. It’s also named the walking pad because Xiaomi expects you to walk on the machine. The most you can do is walking quick using the quick walk mode.
Running can be harmful on the walking pad. The Xiaomi walking pad is built for light indoor exercise. Xiaomi has designed this to let people do a bit of cardio from the comforts of their homes without taking too much space.
The Xiaomi Walking Pad is made up of an aluminum alloy it can withstand a capacity of around 90 Kg. It's not advisable to put extreme pressure on the machine.

What is the best treadmill for walking?

The Xiaomi Walking Pad is probably the best walking pad available in the market. This is because it's rare to find walking pads in the price range of $500 that can be controlled through your smartphone whilst having multiple sports modes.
Also, With this walking pad, you have access to detailed fitness data which you'll be able to access through your Mi companion app.
However, the most important factor that separates the Xiaomi Walking Pad from other walking pads is its portability. You can literally, fold this walking pad and store it under the bed. Check out Xiaomi Walking Pad Latest Price and Review for all the details.

Is the Xiaomi Walking Pad worth it?  

This ultimately depends on you or your circumstances. If your neighborhood is dangerous or it's too crowded and noisy out there to take walks, then it’s absolutely worth it. Check out Xiaomi Walking Pad Latest Price and Review for all the details.
If you can walk outside or run outside in peace or if there is a park next to your place, then it’s not worth getting a Xiaomi walking pad. It’s also not worth it for people who walk a lot.  But current circumstances dictate it's better to stick to walking inside your home.
But, other than that the answer is still yes. You won't find another walking pad that has the same fantastic features. Especially, for the same price.

Is the Xiaomi walking pad dangerous? 

Old people and people who have balancing issues, need to be careful with the Xiaomi walking pad.
You can slip and fall just like a normal treadmill. It doesn’t come with any support that makes it dangerous.
So going at slow speeds and maintaining your concentration is vital! Pay attention while you walk and walk slowly.

Is the Xiaomi Walking Pad good for losing weight? 

For a super fit person, the Xiaomi walking pad is a pretty useless device. If you are moderately fit but need to improve your stamina, you could use the Xiaomi walking pad. But if you are unfit and you don’t get any exercise at all, you can lose weight with this device.
Ideally, it's for people who sit in front of a computer all day or for people with a sedentary lifestyle. You can talk quick walks on this machine at intervals to supplement a time-consuming or intense workout. Check out Xiaomi Walking Pad Latest Price and Review for all the details.

Are fold-up treadmills good?

Fold-up treadmills are good only for two things - Light walking and portability. So if you are looking for light walking within the comforts of your home and need to store a treadmill, then a fold-up treadmill is very effective.
A fold-up treadmill isn’t very good for intense cardio like running or jogging.
Fold-up treadmills are good for people who can’t leave their house for exercise or it’s good for people who are too lazy to get out of their house. Check out Xiaomi Walking Pad Latest Price and Review for all the details.

User Reviews

Great compact treadmill for my apartment. In order to unlock the max speed (3.75 mph) on the treadmill, the user will need to download the app and go through the guided setup, which was quick and painless. Don't expect to jog or run on this, it's mostly meant for a brisk walk to get the heart rate beating. Overall it was what I was looking for.

Update: Thought I give an update after a few months of use. Still working great, a bit heavier than anticipated when trying to lift it and move it to a different spot. Haven't had to use the app at all after the initial setup. I just use the remote that came with it to operate. When I haven't reached my 10,000 steps at the end of my workday, I'll just hop on the walking pad and chug away when I get home.

Christopher N. from USA

User Reviews

Great compact treadmill for my apartment. In order to unlock the max speed (3.75 mph) on the treadmill, the user will need to download the app and go through the guided setup, which was quick and painless. Don't expect to jog or run on this, it's mostly meant for a brisk walk to get the heart rate beating. Overall it was what I was looking for.

Update: Thought I give an update after a few months of use. Still working great, a bit heavier than anticipated when trying to lift it and move it to a different spot. Haven't had to use the app at all after the initial setup. I just use the remote that came with it to operate. When I haven't reached my 10,000 steps at the end of my workday, I'll just hop on the walking pad and chug away when I get home.

Christopher N. from USA

Good Walking Pad. So far this walking pad has done what it was purchased for which was to provide my 20 yr old a place to walk in his apartment... A few things that could stand improvement are:

No handle(s) to hold on to move/carry it.

It does not come with a battery for the remote and is not terribly clear on this point in the type of battery required. If you dig through the description you can find and then order the batteries, but the basic description should be more clear if not contain a direct link so buyers can purchase the batteries when purchasing the pad it'self.

The lubrication oil is necessary from the start or it makes rubbing sounds. A small bottle with enough for a few applications is included but again, more information if not a direct link to purchase the lubricating oil in a larger quantity should be available within the item's description.

Audrey fromUSA

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